Washington DC is adrift in a shark infested ocean. At the helm is all the kings eunuchs screaming I’m driving.

All while the king himself talks gibberish in his restless slumber.

Alas our once great nation languishes for leadership. Who is to be our statesman to carry us forward with words and deeds in abject harmony.

I saw one last night high behind the eunuch king

He smiled as he quietly chatted with the king’s salad master. He watched quietly neither a hiss nor a boo did he utter statesman that he is. And yet as his minions boos and whine they did see that tweak of the eye as a father would scold his errant brood.

And I say to Mr Kennedy you have it backwards. It’s NOT “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country?” Taxes he said pay more. Tyranny says I.

But where are the statesmen, where are the leaders? Be they hiding in their wealth be smitten by their rank?

We of our country must demand accountability with both Truth and Justice, it IS the American Way.

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I didn't watch, anticipating it'd be less enlightening and entertaining than nothing. I was right.

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