Return to the GOLD Standard ...

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Lee’s ‘friend’ responds: not capital (Which is money or cash, but not things on hand, liquidity)which is too narrow for this discussion. Collateralized is much more accurate IMHO. FTX for example is not collateralized and therefore investors safety is based solely upon simple trust of the Bankman-Fried Ponzi enterprise. No asset basis in other words only their reputation/promise.

The dollar is well, although perhaps not fully collateralized or guaranteed in case of default via investments in real estate, inventory, assets like autos jewelry etc Add the stability of the US economy, government and history and arguably inadequate of itself Fort Knox which contains some of Our gold inventory. Thus IMHO crypto is a foolish and unnessary risk or gamble unworthy of any trust.

Let’s call the bunco squad not the SEC

Thanks. Joe

PS next on the agenda AI tool or scheme


Capital is the amount of money that an applicant has. Collateral is an asset that can back or act as security for the loan. Conditions are the purpose of the loan, the amount involved, and prevailing interest rates.

Types of Collateral to Secure a Loan

Real Estate Collateral.

Business Equipment Collateral.

Inventory Collateral.

Invoices Collateral.

Blanket Lien Collateral.

Cash Collateral.

Investments Collateral.

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